Tips for Staying Safe on St. Patrick’s Day 64528d30982fc.jpeg

Tips for Staying Safe on St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is one of the most popular drinking holidays in the U.S., with 57% of Americans planning to celebrate this year, according to WalletHub. While we hope that everyone has a great time this St. Patrick’s Day, we want to help you avoid being one of the many fatalities that occur each year, about one death every half hour. And we don’t want you to get a DUI, either. If you are planning to party this year, please plan ahead for a safe holiday. Even if you’re not celebrating, beware of other drivers and stay off the road if you can. If you are involved in a drunk driving accident, McPhillips, Fitzgerald & Cullum LLP, is here to help.

Tips for a Safe and Happy St. Patrick’s Day

  • Plan ahead. Have a designated driver and a backup plan in case you get separated from your driver or your driver doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain and decides to drink anyway.
  • Never, ever leave your drink unattended, even if you’re not drinking alcohol.
  • Obviously, don’t try to drive if you’ve been drinking. Walking home isn’t a good idea either. About 30% of pedestrians killed in St. Patrick’s Day accidents have a BAC of .08% or higher. Get a cab or call a rideshare service.
  • Don’t get in a vehicle with an intoxicated driver.
  • When you’re out, be aware of your surroundings, pay attention to what is going on around you and know where the fire exits are located.
  • Celebrate at home or at a friend’s where you can spend the night.
  • Eat something before you start drinking and drink plenty of water throughout the night.

If You Are Hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

  • Collect car keys from all of your guests who are considering drinking.
  • Plan to call a cab or rideshare service for any intoxicated guests who are planning to leave.
  • Find out about free safe ride home services offered in your area for St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Get a list of designated driver services that will pick up intoxicated guests and take their vehicles home too. Concerns about getting their car back are often the biggest objections potential drunk drivers raise when you try to get them home safely.
  • Be prepared to let intoxicated guests spend the night

If you have been involved in a drunk driving accident, contact McPhillips Fitzgerald & Cullum LLP, today.


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