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Symptoms of a Back Injury

If you were recently injured in a motor vehicle accident, workplace accident, slip and fall, or another incident, you may be concerned about back pain. A back injury can be very serious. It’s important to schedule a check-up with your doctor after any type of accident or injury. Allowing the doctor to look for early signs of injury gets you on a track to treatment early on.

Some of the potential signs of a serious back injury or spine injury include:

  • Back pain
  • Back swelling
  • Back bruises
  • Breathing problems
  • Trouble with urination and bowel movements
  • Tingling or numbness in your fingers, toes, hands, and/or feet
  • Fever
  • The feeling of spasming muscles in your back/along your spine
  • Difficulty standing upright
  • Pain or soreness when you move, twist, or bend
  • Pain shooting down your legs

Symptoms you experience at the scene of the accident like difficulty breathing, paralysis, and bodily function impairment require emergency medical attention. For other injuries, you may not experience symptoms for a few days. If anything feels “off,” you should consider calling your doctor. You should certainly schedule an appointment if your symptoms don’t go away in a few days. Your doctor may perform tests and take x-rays to assess your back, spine, and nerves for an injury. They will give you the prognosis and discuss what needs to be done to get on the road to recovery.

From an injury claim perspective, getting a medical examination starts a process of documentation and evidence of your injury. If you decide to file a claim to pursue compensation from the person who injured you, then documentation of your medical care, diagnosis, and treatment can be valuable.

Find Out If You Have a Back Injury Lawsuit

The experienced attorneys at McPhillips, Fitzgerald & Cullum are ready to help you determine what to do next. For a consultation with our lawyers, please call us in New York, at 518-792-1174, or in Florida, at 305-751-8556. If you have a severe spine injury, your life could be forever altered. We will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome for you and your family.


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